Essay Writing Hints: Planning your Time wisely

One of the wide problems about essays for students is time management. It happens even with students who have quite a skillful hand on essay writing. You can write the best essay only you write it in time. It is most difficult to handle the essay especially when you are sitting in the exams hall, the clock ticking and you are getting out of time fast. There are certain tips which can help you to stay away from time management problem in essay writing.

  • Make outline:
  • It is highly recommended to make an outline of your topic. While writing the essay students do not usually prefer to make outline s they think it a waste of time. They plan to write the steps and arguments as they come to mind. But this takes more time and also your essay will not be as much organized as it will be when you have it preplanned. Thus you must make outline of what you are going to write in the essay.

  • Divide into parts:
  • Make for yourself parts of the essay. These may not exactly be the parts or sections but only for keeping check of time. You can set time for each section or part and thus you will be able to focus more and write fast.

  • Set time for each part:
  • As I mentioned in the previous part, making parts will help you have a better grip over time. Making parts also makes the longer essay seem easier and shorter than otherwise.

  • Practice:
  • Practice is a crucial component of essay writing. If you want to get really good grades, you can't just leave it to the luck. You need to work on it. More you practice, more you will be able to manage time wisely and have improved skill for essay writing.

    Using time wisely is most important factor in essay writing. You must be aware that which part of your essay needs how much time and how you are going to cover it. A little contemplation before starting the essay also helps in managing time as you have things on your list and you no more have to think much while writing essay. The only thing that you will require to do in this case will be to follow the format you have decided for your essay and work in an easier way.

Published on  February 27th, 2014


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