Kleptomania Case Study Writing Prompts

An interesting case study paper topic is Kleptomania. If you don't know what that is:



noun: kleptomania

a recurrent urge to steal, typically without regard for need or profit.

There is a debate amongst physiologists and criminologists whether or not kleptomania is a legitimate condition. Many experts in the feel believe that it is compulsive while some other argue that it is controllable and people "choose to steal" when they suffer from kleptomania. However, often in court lawyers will claim kleptomania is a medical condition that can't be helped in order to get their clients off on charges. What do you think about kleptomania, real or phony baloney?

How To Approach A Case Study On Kleptomania

Before you sit down to write your case study on kleptomania consider carefully the different perspectives and research on the topic. Like with a case study assignment you need to look critically at both sides before determining your thesis. Remember, however that with case study your responsibility is presents the "best evidence" that defends your opinion using a specific instance. For example, who are some famous kleptomaniacs, can you access documents on their case files that help you to write a great case study on the condition?

In order to make the process a little bit easier we have included some kleptomania writing prompts for you to consider:

  • Is kleptomania compulsive or Not? A look at famous cases and their rulings.
  • Should there be more support for kleptomania? Case study of current available support groups and help for kleptomaniacs.
  • Is kleptomania a learnt tendency or is it genetic? Case Study examining kleptomania in families.
  • How do psychiatrists diagnosis kleptomania? A Case Study of specific diagnostic procedure.
  • Getting away with kleptomania, Case Study of Thieves and how they go without depiction,
  • Alternative treatments for kleptomania do they work? Case study on new research and treatment of kleptomania symptoms.

Once you have decided to write your paper on the kleptomania condition, you can carefully consider the varying angles and subject matter available to explore. Do some reading about specific instances and choose one that stands out as particularly unique or interesting. Then, all you have to do is find an angle or "question" to ask that can be defended with evidence from the case.

Published on  June 8th, 2016


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