10 great English research paper topics for college students

There are so many different topics to choose from that you really can write about just about anything. The best ways to come up with ideas is to read the newspaper or news magazines. These sources will be able to give you some really good ideas that you can use to write your research paper. The idea behind writing a research paper is to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant. An interesting topic will be easier to research because you will not mind reading about it because it interests you. It will be easier for the reader as well because they won’t get bored with the details.

Research papers are designed for you to make a stand and then prove your stand by finding credible sources to back up your claims. This can include research studies, articles, journals, and medical or scientific evidence. You should use sources that have been reviewed by your peers and that come from your schools library. The internet is not always the best place to find a credible source because anyone can put stuff on the internet. If the source you are using online is a national magazine or an encyclopedia, the source may be credible.

Be sure to cite all of your sources to give credit to the individual who did the research or who wrote the credible source. The proper citations must be used in the text and in the reference page. Giving credit for others’ work is also a way to make your work look more credible. If you are quoting an unknown writer, you may want to share their qualifications with your reader.

Topic suggestions to get you started:

  1. Should parents censor what their kids read?
  2. Should there be laws against bullying?
  3. Should it be harder to get a divorce?
  4. Should we have a universal health care coverage?
  5. Is the No Child Left Behind working?
  6. Does working too hard reduce productivity?
  7. What ways can you avoid identity theft?
  8. Should college admission policies be stricter?
  9. Should animals have rights?
  10. What affects does a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease have on the family?

These are only a handful of the millions of topics that you can write about. The best way to come up with a good research topic is to start reading articles about an area that interests you and draw your own research question from that.

Published on  June 8th, 2016


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