Finance case study writing manual

If you are a college student and have an assignment of writing a finance case study, then don't worry because there is plenty of help available. There is help in describing the various parts of the case study, the different approaches to a case study and the way to set out and present your assignment. Help is at hand.

Case studies can broadly speaking be divided into two areas.

  • there is the analytical type and the
  • solving a problem type

The difference between the two is self-explanatory. With the first method, your finance case study will consider what and why something has happened. With your second type of finance case study, you aim to provide solutions to the problems which have arisen.

As with all assignments, exam questions and case studies, you must study the directions. Only produce your case study according to the instructions from your tutor or lecturer. Producing a brilliant case study using the wrong method is of little or no use. Don't make the fundamental mistake of not following directions.

Know the various parts

Every case study will, generally speaking, have the same parts or aspects. Here is a simplified list of these various parts.

  • state the purpose of the case study
  • describe the person, company or event which is the focus of the case study
  • describe any business theory being used
  • describe the findings of your case study without being specific

These are the fundamentals of any finance case study and following the basic rules and conventions is vital. College teachers have been using the same system for decades. The content of your case study is what they are interested in. They want to be able to follow your prose and your arguments without distraction. Remember that tutors have to wade through enormous numbers of case studies prepared by enthusiastic students. They don’t want to be confused by anything, especially the lack of any order in your case study.

Know the conventions, how to quote and cite references and make sure your work is perfect in terms of grammar, spelling and syntax. These are fundamental issues but sadly many students fail this important test. If you are not sure how to present your finance case study, find out. Look for samples of excellent case studies and copy their style, format and layout. When you add your intelligence and research to your unique topic, you will be on a winner. Make your finance case study easy to read and understand.

Published on  June 8th, 2016


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